Aug 1, 2008

COD4 / COD5: Stats Program

A while ago, I started writing a program that would give you a whole bunch of averages and info based upon your Call of Duty 4 Online stats. A friend started tossing ideas my way, and we ended up with something like this.

Now with the release of Call of Duty 5, a new version needed to be made and is finally done!
It's pretty self explanatory, just enter your stats and click "Calculate", that's it! You will receive a multitude of info I guarantee you didn't know before! Feel free to post comments with bugs or suggestions, and enjoy!

UPDATE: March 13th, 2010
Modern Warfare 2 Support
Version 2.4


  1. i'm liking this, once i get a 1.00 kill/death ratio, i'm hitting print screen and setting a new desktop image haha. Cant Wait!

  2. This is cool! Your website is awesome!

  3. how do u type it in everytime i type it in it says type in numeric something wtf

  4. Short answer: You have to fill every box with some value.

    Long answer: Because most programming languages treat unused variables as zeroes, every box has to be filled with an integer greater than zero for the equations to evaluate correctly. For example, if there was no value for Kills and you hit calculate, the program would try to divide by zero which would cause the whole program to crash and burn.
